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The Obama administration and the uber-left is destroying the once terrific culture of the united states based on traditional judeo-Christian values, by imposing their belief that nobody should be discriminated. The Obama administration decided that schools who don’t allow transgendered girls with complete boy body parts into the girls’ locker room will lose federal Title IX funding. The truth is that we are all born either one gender or the other. males have Y chromosomes and will always be males, no matter how many surgeries they undergo. The federal government is forcing schools to allow boys into the girls locker room. As a mother of a 9-year-old girl, this makes me absolutely sick.
When my daughter gets old enough to have to change clothes in a locker room for gym class, you bet I will check and see if her school is letting boys into the locker room. If that is the case, I will do something to prevent her from having to change clothes in front of someone who was created and born with male body parts. The progressive liberals are tearing apart the Christian values that once made our country terrific and we must stand up against this, before Satan himself controls our nation.
I am honored to feature another article from the terrific Jane M. Orient, M.D., executive director of association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS). With her proficiency she details what the Obama administration is doing to our culture and the physical and spiritual health of our children through this outrageous ruling.
This topic was also brought up on Fox news with anchor Megyn Kelly. Kelly tried to entrap an uncomfortable official, who seemed to be reciting a memorized script in an effort to escape the wrath of parents, bureaucrats, and lawyers on both sides. Their discussion about “balancing rights” to “privacy” and “nondiscrimination” ignored serious health issues. though both profess concern for the vulnerable transgender child, they seem blind to the fact that he (“she”) is being used as a pawn in a political/cultural war. They imply that parents’ objections are solely about their girls’ seeing body parts different from theirs.
Related planned Parenthood says: read our Statistics: “No federal funds pay for Abortion” Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics
Both are accepting seriously flawed assumptions.
Cascia Talbert
The Locker room controversy and the threat to Your Child’s Health
Jane M. Orient, M.D.
An Obama administration ruling that a school must allow a transgender “girl” with male parts full access to the girls’ locker room, or lose federal Title IX funding, sparked a revealing exchange between Megyn Kelly and school superintendent Daniel Cates on Fox News.
Kelly tried to entrap an uncomfortable official, who seemed to be reciting a memorized script in an effort to escape the wrath of parents, bureaucrats, and lawyers on both sides. Their discussion about “balancing rights” to “privacy” and “nondiscrimination” ignored serious health issues. though both profess concern for the vulnerable transgender child, they seem blind to the fact that he (“she”) is being used as a pawn in a political/cultural war. They imply that parents’ objections are solely about their girls’ seeing body parts different from theirs.
Both are accepting seriously flawed assumptions.
First, both Kelly and Cates seem to believe the ACLU’s assertion that a transgender (in this case male-to-female) person truly is a female “through and through”—and “as a matter of science.” Cates says that the district “respects and honors” transgender students. Both Cates and Kelly refer to the student as a “girl” and use feminine pronouns.
In fact, the science cannot be clearer. There are two sexes. Leaving aside rare conditions such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia, this is absolutely plain at birth, and not a matter of arbitrary “assignment.” A person with a Y chromosome is through-and-through male in every cell in his body. If Caitlyn Jenner’s skeleton is dug up a few hundred years from now, it will unequivocally be identified as male.
Second, they both assume that it is possible to convert a male into a female, and that doctors are helping a patient affirm his true identity by so doing.
In fact, it is possible for a male to become a eunuch or female impersonator, but he will never bei stand til at være en persons naturlige mor. Og hvad gør vi med en dreng for at prøve at få ham til at virke kvindelig? Har vi oplysninger om de langsigtede virkninger af kvindelige hormoner, der starter i barndommen? Måske vil vi i sidste ende, hvis vi følger dagens eksperimentelle emner – som er for unge til at samtykke og sandsynligvis ikke har de mulige konsekvenser beskrevet. Hvis de er kastreret, mister de for evigt udsigten til at have naturlige afkom. Og hvad vil kønsoperationer gøre for urinkontinens? Hvordan vil hormoner påvirke deres risiko for brystkræft? Hvad med blodpropper og slagtilfælde? Og osteoporose og brud, når de bliver ældre? Hvis voksne atleter er forbudt at “dope” med steroider, hvorfor er det hvorfor er acceptabelt for børn?
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Og hvad vil der ske med styrke og lungekapacitet? Mænd har 40 procent større kropsstyrke og 25 procent større lungekapacitet. Jeg tvivler på, at transkønne mænd vil miste nok styrke til at annullere deres fordel fuldstændigt over piger. Min 9-årige nevø, stadig ganske lille, kunne let håndtere en trillebør i fuld størrelse fyldt med cement. Men hvor meget af deres potentiale ofrer de? Og hvad er risikoen for skader på piger, der leger med dem på det atletiske felt?
I psykiatri læres det generelt, at lægen ikke bør bekræfte en patients vrangforestillinger. Til sidst bliver det transkønne barn nødt til at konfrontere virkeligheden som voksen. Han kan godt ændre sin “selvidentifikation”, men hans chance for fuldt ud at udvikle sig som en mand kan være uigenkaldeligt hentet fra ham.
Der er fremragende grunde til ikke at få drenge og piger, der klæder sig foran hinanden, og en transkøn “pige” er bare en kile. Den virkelige dagsorden er at fremme den seksuelle og kulturelle revolution: at undergrave familien, at stigmatisere den kristne tro og faktisk al traditionel moral og nedbryde al modstand mod en totalitær stat, der dikterer tro og adfærd.
Cates og Kelly er effektivt på samme side, selvom Kelly er en aggressor og Cates en tilsyneladende impotent erstatning for reel modstand. Offentlige skoler beskytter hverken fuldt ud din datter, da den føderale politik muliggør seksuelle rovdyr i omklædningsrummet eller beskytter dine sønner og døtre mod et moralsk korrupt miljø og giver dig heller ikke mulighed for at forsvare dem mod farlig medicin.
Hvis dit skoledistrikt ofrer dine sønner og døtre for at overholde dagsordenen for Obama -administrationen, skal du køre til den nærmeste udgang. Deres fysiske, psykologiske og åndelige sundhed er i fare i et radikalt socialt eksperiment.
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Om forfatteren/bidragyderen:
Jane M. Orient, M.D. opnåede sine bacheloruddannelser inden for kemi og matematik fra University of Arizona i Tucson og hendes M.D. fra Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons i 1974. Hun afsluttede et internt medicinophold på Parkland Memorial Hospital og University of Arizona Tilknyttede hospitaler og blev derefter instruktør ved University of Arizona College of Medicine og en personalelæge ved Tucson Veterans Administration Hospital. Hun har været i solo privat praksis siden 1981 og har fungeret som administrerende direktør for Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) siden 1989. Hun er i øjeblikket præsident for læger for katastrofeberedskab. Siden 1988 har hun været formand for Public Health Committee of Pima County (Arizona) Medical Society. She is the author of YOUR doctor Is Not In: healthy Skepticism about national Healthcare, and the second through fourth editions of Sapira’s Art and science of Bedside Diagnosis, published by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. She authored books for schoolchildren, and Professor Klugimkopf’s Spelling Method, published by Robinson Books, and coauthored two novels published as Kindle Professor Klugimkopf’s old-fashioned English Grammar books, Neomorts and Moonshine, More than 100 of her papers have been published in the scientific and popular literature on a variety of subjects including risk assessment, natural and technological hazards and nonhazards, and medical economics and ethics. She is the editor of AAPS News, the Doctors for disaster Preparedness Newsletter, and Civil defense Perspectives, and is the managing editor of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.
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